Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Ok, I'm working on my essay, movie, school work, etc. I have been swamped lately and that is pretty much it...but it is not.

I get that homework reinforces ideas and concepts that are taught that day in school.  I get giving quizzes and test that show you and your teachers how much of the information you are processing and retaining.  I get projects which supplement class work material.  I get all that, but what I don't get is when all of the tests, quizzes, projects and other assignments are given at the same time, multiple times, by all of my subjects. Why, I ask?

It is important to study and learn, but what is the price? Creating stressed out, exhausted students cannot be the goal.  If the goal is to prepare us for college, then what happened to the high school experience?  Did I miss that in Middle School?  Then what happens in college.  Does college become grad school?

I would love to blog more, and I will, but right now I have to study, research, draft, etc. and hope to go to bed before 2am.


  1. Hmmm.... I try not to give you all that much and let you figure out how to finish it in your own time. Do you need less to do?
