I know my posts usually are about food, but this post will be a little different. This post will be about, well, no food. Today, as I am sure you all know, is Yom Kippur, which I am observing. If you didn't know, we are not allowed to eat or drink anything for what turns out to be around 27 hours. The intent is to be cleansing. It is supposed to be good for the body and mind. Seriously, the point of this holiday is not to see us suffer, but to have us focus on the past year and had to be a better person for the year to come.
It is now after 3 and I literally can't look at anything without thinking it is it a giant ham or gefilte fish. I am honestly chewing on my laptop in hopes of getting nutrients. There are some benefits, however. The food tonight will taste amazing, but, unfortunately, I will be eating so fast I won't recognize the kugel from the table cloth.
Another benefit is that noticing how many food commercials there are. I would blog about that now, but I would have to eat the television, so I will continue this tomorrow.
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