Sunday, March 16, 2014


 few holidays are approaching, and you know what they are. Forget about matzah 
and gefilte fish for a moment. Let's talk about jelly beans, chocolate  bunnies 
and the most delicious treat ever created, the Cadbury egg. 

John Stewart did a hilarious sketch on  this very issue, which you should take a 
look at. But the bottom line is that Easter has better food and treats. The end.

Ok, so we all associate food with holidays, but why not. Who doesn't smile when 
the words Easter Bunny is mentioned. Does anyone smile at matzoh? Uh, no. And 
the kicker is that we can't have non Passover food like the bunnies during 
Passover, we have to wait, or stock up before.  


I am not a conspiracy theorist by nature. It makes good reading and 
conversation, but sometimes things are as they appear.  A recent exception is 
the "case" of the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.

New evidence suggests that the plane's communication system was disabled, on 
purpose, and then continued to fly another 6 hours, to somewhere.

In this age of technology, I have to ask how this is possible.  This is not the 
"Bermuda Triangle". A large plane with 239 people just flew away, disappeared.

If this is not a conspiracy, then Is it a hijacking, or act of terrorism? I am 
certainly not the only one asking theses questions or waiting for answers.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Anyone see the Oscars? I admit I did not, But was happy to see the highlights.  
John Travolta must be on the same drugs as Rob Ford.  All he had to do was read 
a TelePrompTer.  Why and how can he butcher a name so badly? Well, the reality 
is that he did Adele Dazeem (idena Menzel) a favor because no one can stop 
talking about this, except she, who has kept quiet.  I wonder if she was the one 
who changed the TelePrompTer for more publicity? Hum........

Again with the Oscars......did you read that the guys who's delivered pizza did. 
It know that he would be on camera and that he got a $1000 in tips? Did John 
Travolta have something to do with this?


I would like to know what you think about the Paleolithic, vegetarian, 
pescatorian,  and vegan diets.  Look, I like meat more  than the next guy, but 
were we meant to eat meat, or just stick with veggies.  Beans make sense to me, 
but why can't fish be thrown in there too? I think we can all agree, cutting out 
all the processed foods is the way to go, but what happens when you are really 
hungry at school and all there is the vending machine? Starve or chips? I have 
to believe our ancestors, faced with the same challenge, would say Doritos over 
hunger, while running from the tyrannosaurs.


I watched last weeks episode of Community and was really taken by the show. It 
is clever, witty, satirical, comical and entertaining.  In short it has all of 
the elements of a great sit com.  Without getting into social statements, or 
futuristic/ancient societal challenges, I will simply say that it did a great 
job of showing the evils of social media and how we forget to be humanistic 
towards each other.

With Hurwitz at the helm, I hope that there is " 6 seasons and a movie"

Breaking Bad

I admit it. I miss Breaking Bad. I was simply addicted and drawn to watch this 
ground breaking tv show.  It was fill of so many WOW, GASP, NO WAY moments, that 
there are almost too many to mention.  Ok, I will mention a few, since you ask.  
Gus walking out of a bombing only to then see him collapse with half a face, 
Hank getting shot, Walt getting revenge on all the people that did him wrong and 
would hurt his family, and, of course, Jessie driving off, were epic. 

I did not watch Breaking Bad from the beginning, so had to play catch up, and 
then had to wait to see the last episodes on Net Flixs, only after I saw the 
last episode, since I did  to want anyone to ruin the ending for me. So I saw 
the end, then had to wait to see the few episodes leading up to the climax.  

Now I want more.  I want to know, where is Jessie? What happening to Saul? Did  
"Flynn" get the money ( not really sure I care)?

My point is, how many of us have the ability/luck to produce a "Breaking Bad"?  
I guess in a few years I will let you know.........

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


In STAC, we are coding stuff, which is an interesting skill, considering that half of the world is made up of technology. When I code, however, the numbers dace across the screen and if I can't figure out how to use an iPhone, or beat the second level of Super Mario Bros. 3, I don't think I can code my way around a one function calculator, let alone a whole website! All an all, I have a rubric, but it is exactly like science class, where you get a reference table, but still have no idea what is going on around you.