Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I am finished with my homework and such, but before I make myself a victory peanut butter and jelly sandwich (food of the g-ds) I have to blog. I can hear my stomach grumbling so I will do this quickly     ( I promise stomach). I finished my homework (we established that) I practiced drums and I put finishing touches on my questions. That is pretty much it....... bon appetite!!!

Monday, January 28, 2013


I just joined the play. I don't know what will happen to me or the play because of this. I am either working in the stage crew or being in the chorus. Anyway, nothing much has happened since the last blog, still working hard, or hardly working. I am still working on my newspaper article, and an opus submission.... i hope they both get published. So that is all I am looking forward to more studying and homework on monday.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

King of Bloggs

I am the king of Blogs, here me!!!! In all seriousness, midterms are over!!!! I just woke up and it is 8 in the afternoon. Time for some Skyrim. I can also get back to blogging........ but mostly that first part. Laziness has taken over me. I am eating microwave pizzas and watching cartoons. Slacking off is the only thing on my mind now. Beside this I am starting Game of Thrones. Not the tv show, the books. I heard a lot about the books. I am hoping to finish at least one so far, but knowing myself, I will get hooked onto the series. Thats all.....

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Cookies with studying

Cookies. Need I say more. (To get credit for this blog I guess I do) I, like 
all my fellow high school students, am busy studying for midterms. What helps 
those midterm blues better than homemade cookies. in my house, Whoever is in 
the midst of exams gets to pick the type of cookie(s), which are crucial for 
survival. This year I went simple. Sugar cookies. But wait. No, I made a 
terrible mistake.  I didn't want those! Now everything is off and my studying 
is going to suffer ( or so I told my mom). "Ok, what kind of cookie do you 
really want?"she asked.  "Chocolate chip, no wait, white chocolate chip", I 
answered. I usually don't ask for white chocolate anything because I have to 
hear about the fact it is not actually chocolate from my chocoholic mother.  
Thankfully all I heard was "ok" or "yuck", I wasn't sure. So, about 42 hours later... 
(does anyone get the reference for 42? If not, you better study before your 
English lit exam).  I finally got a plate of cookies and a glass of milk.  ( 
nice touch)  

The best part was she made sugar, white chocolate and dark chocolate cookies, 
knowing full well I was going to ask for those as well.  I also noticed the 
ingredients for some awesome hot chocolate.  Maybe midterms aren't that bad?  
Nah, mom is just that good!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Ok, I'm working on my essay, movie, school work, etc. I have been swamped lately and that is pretty much it...but it is not.

I get that homework reinforces ideas and concepts that are taught that day in school.  I get giving quizzes and test that show you and your teachers how much of the information you are processing and retaining.  I get projects which supplement class work material.  I get all that, but what I don't get is when all of the tests, quizzes, projects and other assignments are given at the same time, multiple times, by all of my subjects. Why, I ask?

It is important to study and learn, but what is the price? Creating stressed out, exhausted students cannot be the goal.  If the goal is to prepare us for college, then what happened to the high school experience?  Did I miss that in Middle School?  Then what happens in college.  Does college become grad school?

I would love to blog more, and I will, but right now I have to study, research, draft, etc. and hope to go to bed before 2am.