Sunday, April 21, 2013

Script Writing

In between my script writing, I wanted to share some thoughts. Script writing is very different from writing a short story, because you have to tell the story through actions and dialogue. With that said, you have to be very specific as to what the characters are feeling, doing, saying and even thinking just to get that perfect moment on film. In scripts, in addition to directing the actors, you have to direct the filmographers and say which shots you want them to film, and when you want the shots to be filmed. Further,  you have to edit the shots and add transitions to each of the scenes. This sound exhausting, because it is. I feel like at the beginning I was naive to think that the process would be so easy. Boy, how my world crumbled. Now I realize and appreciate how much time, effort and thought is put into movies. I still have a long way to go to complete my own movie, but now that I know what I am in for. The process will go much more smoothly from now on and you will see a movie, hopefully, by the end of this century!

1 comment:

  1. Once you get the hang of it, screen writing is very fast. DON'T go into details about what people are feeling or thinking. Simply describe what we can SEE. We can talk more on this tomorrow.

