Monday, November 18, 2013

art stuff

Cornelius Gurlitt will now forever be known as the German man who simply refused to give the art in his possession, to its previous owners, including many pieces stolen from Jews by the Nazi’s during the Holocaust.  Gurlitt has been quoted saying, "I will not speak with them, and I won't freely give anything back, no, no.”  The article states that Gurlitt believes that  losing the pictures is more painful than the death of his father in a 1956 car crash, his mother's death, or his sister becoming ill with cancer. Whata guy!
How can anyone feel sorry for this man? His father admitted to working for the Nazi’s.  It was not a secret where the paintings came from.  Gurlitt is sad because his treasure trove worth billions now has the potential to go back to families that lost everything, including their mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, children, aunts, uncles, and more killed, aside from having their homes and all possessions stolen.
Gurlitt needs to walk a mile in the shoes of anther before stamping his feet, blowing a tantrum and acting like the spoiled, horrible, Nazzi child that he is.  He needs to be forced to do the right thing and return the painting.

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